Our Mission
Bringing the good news of Jesus Christ to jails and prisons.
Contact Us:
You can talk to us any time .
Our Purpose
Residents Encounter Christ Outreach, Inc. exists to organize, educate, and support communities in sharing the message of Jesus Christ with incarcerated individuals in county jails and prisons. These communities emphasize the fundamental belief that everyone needs a relationship with Jesus Christ.
Board Of Directors

Rhonda Upchurch

Kevin Mallory

Angie Funkhouser

Amy Crowe

Linda Coots

Teresa Mayfield

Ryan Mayfield

Debbie Lambert

Amy baker

Joyce Lemaire-Lickliter

Leslie Mayfield
Fundraising and Fellowship Events

Dine To Donate Nights
May 15th 2024 - Texas RoadHouse

Fundraising Events
Excited to share this with you all very soon!

Community Rewards Programs
My name is Jack Rose and I am six years clean from a 20 year meth addiction. The first time I did drugs, I was eight years old. In 2019, I was facing 19 years DOC while in Morgan County jail Rec came into the jail while I was serving as a trustee. I was unable to be in the conference room. However, I was able to see the love of Jesus through the food They fed us trustees, the team that showed us love and the music I heard through the walls. shortly after, I gave my life to Christ. today I am a husband, a father, a homeowner, and I am now about to serve in the same jail that I sat in six times on the rec team, God has truly changed my life and blessed me abundantly.
Jack RoseREC #1
Good morning Church family my name is Kevin Mallory. I had the awesome privilege of serving as the spirit, spiritual director of rec outreach. My first experience with Rec was as a resident inmate at the Clarke County jail. It was through this ministry that I had a powerful encounter with Jesus Christ that has forever changed my life, and by the grace of God allows me to serve in this ministry. I want you to know that you all as a congregation have played a vital role in the success of rec outreach. Providing space for meetings and donations, helped us to visit those incarcerated that they might know the love of God thank you for your hard work and effort.
Kevin MalloryREC #1
In 2020, I embarked on a journey through REC that transformed my life in ways I never imagined. In the depths of my struggles, wearing my jumpsuit of stripes, I felt overwhelmed by shame and embarrassment. But within REC, I found more than just a program - I found a family, a community of unconditional love and support. The REC team, like the arms of Jesus, enveloped me in a warm embrace. In that room I found God and felt the breaking chains, delivering of diseases, and igniting change within me. Through REC, I experienced a profound turnaround, and now, surrounded by my sisters in Christ, I am uplifted, encouraged, and forever changed.
Jodi - Jackson County REC #1
My REC experience was amazing and to REC #8 I really believe that's what changed my life. I realized that the ladies who gave their testimonies had endured so many struggles in the lives like mine. I knew a few of those ladies and one in particular really touched home because I was of her life through many of her struggles and her addiction. The part of her story that I wasn't in her life really touched my heart and I knew that if those ladies could do it I could too. IT WAS AMAZING!!!!
Billy - Barthlolmew County REC #8
In 2020, I embarked on a journey through REC that transformed my life in ways I never imagined. In the depths of my struggles, wearing my jumpsuit of stripes, I felt overwhelmed by shame and embarrassment. But within REC, I found more than just a program - I found a family, a community of unconditional love and support. The REC team, like the arms of Jesus, enveloped me in a warm embrace. In that room I found God and felt the breaking chains, delivering of diseases, and igniting change within me. Through REC, I experienced a profound turnaround, and now, surrounded by my sisters in Christ, I am uplifted, encouraged, and forever changed.
Jodi Feltner - Jackson County REC #1
"The greatest thing about being a table leader is seeing the changes in the ladies from when they walk in the first time to when it is all over. From the agape love to the talks and hearing how God truly can save them."
Leslie - Table Leader Jennings County REC #6
"Being on a team for an REC weekend has changed my life. I have never felt closer to Jesus or that my time has really made a difference in someone else's life than I have on a REC weekend. To see the residents and team members' lives change before your eyes is simply amazing. Lives are truly changed on a REC Weekend. Then to see those same people get out and then come back to serve on the team is powerful. "
Ryan - Lay Director Morgan County REC #2
You make a difference
"As a Spiritual Director of an REC you really get to see the Holy Spirit work in the residents life. I've seen people come in confused not knowing what to expect, from being angry and not really wanting to be there arms folded to tears streaming down their faces and hands lifted as they sing. I've seen men and women become leaders at the tables, opening up and allowing the Holy Spirit to bring true transformation in their lives. To God be the glory for the things He has done through REC. "
Kevin - Spiritual Director Harrison County REC #10 Get Involved
There are many ways you can be involved in what God is doing through REC Outreach.

If you want to volunteer your time by going into jails or supporting those that are going into jails click the volunteer link below.

If you aren’t sure how you can get involved click the link below and send us a quick message and we will reach out.
Contact Us
REC Weekend Team Resources
- Lay director resources
- Spiritual director resources
- Table leader resources
- ASST lay director resources
- AV team resources
- Spiritual team resources
- ASST table leader resources
- Worship team resources
- Agape resources
- Talk outlines